 * filename - coord.cas         Version 1.0 /DEE 2-92
 * function(s)
 *        rpc - Converts Rectangular to Polar Coordinates
 *        prc - Converts Polar to Rectangular Coordinates
 *        matan2 - Modified Arctangent routine
 *        David Edwards, 2-25-2006

#pragma inline
#include <asmrules.h>

#include <math.h>
#include <_math.h>


Name            matan2 - trigonometric function

Usage           void matan2(double y, double x);  ST(0) = y, ST(1) = x

Prototype in    None

                matan2  returns ST(0), the  arc tangent   of y/x  and will
                produce correct results even  when resulting is near pi/2
                or -pi/2 (x near 0).

Return value    atan2 returns a value in the range -pi to pi on ST(0).
                If a ratio of 0/0  is supplied then zero is returned

static  unsigned short  piBy2 [] = {0xC235, 0x2168, 0xDAA2, 0xC90F, 0x3FFF};

#pragma warn -rvl
#pragma warn -use
void matan2 (double y, double x)
register        SI, DI;         /* prevent the compiler making its own usage */

asm     mov     ax, x [6]       /* select MSW of x ..   */
asm     and     al, 0F0h        /* ignore fraction      */
asm     mov     bx, y [6]       /* .. and of y          */
asm     and     bl, 0F0h
asm     shl     bx, 1           /* discard sign         */
asm     jz      at2_yIsZero
asm     shl     ax, 1           /* discard sign         */
asm     jz      at2_xIsZero
asm     FDIVRP  ST(1), ST(0)
asm     _FAST_  (_FATAN_)

/* convert the simple answer to a four quadrant answer. */

asm     test    BY0 (x [7]), 80h                /* the sign bit */
asm     jz      at2_end

asm     FLDPI

asm     test    BY0 (y [7]), 80h
asm     jz      at2_2ndQuad

asm     FSUBP   ST(1), ST
asm     jmp     short   at2_end

asm     FADDP   ST(1), ST


/*      Special cases.
asm     shl     ax, 1
asm     jc      at2_retPi               /* x<0, return PI */
asm     FSTP    ST(1)                   /* else y is result     */
asm     jmp     short   at2_end

at2_retPi:                              /* y = 0, x < 0 */
asm     FCOMPP                          /* discard x and y */
asm     FLDPI                           /* and return PI */
asm     jmp     short  at2_end

at2_xIsZero:                            /* and y is not zero    */
                                        /*      or              */
at2_yIsInf:                             /* and x is finite      */
asm     FCOMPP                          /* discard x and y      */
asm     FLD     tbyte ptr (piBy2)
asm     test    BY0 (y [7]), 80h        /* check sign of Y */
asm     jz      at2_HPi                 /* positive - return PI/2 */
asm     FCHS                            /* negative - return -PI/2 */
asm     jmp     short   at2_setQuad

asm     FCOMPP                          /* discard x and y      */
asm     FLDZ
asm     jmp     short   at2_setQuad

#pragma warn .rvl
#pragma warn .use


Name            rpc - Convert from Rectangular to Polar Coordinates

Usage           void rpc(double x, double y, double *r, double *theta);

Prototype in    math.h

Description     The magnitude is the same result as "hypot" except the input
                is not checked for the INF value.

                        r = (x^2 + y^2)^.5

                The angle is in the range of -180 < theta <= 180.

Return value    The function fills the variables pointed by "r" and "theta".
                "theta" is in radians.
                The function provides no error or overflow checking.
void rpc (double x, double y, double *r, double *theta)
asm     push    ES

asm     FLD     DOUBLE (x)              /* x                            */
asm     FLD     st(0)                   /* st(1) = x                    */
asm     FMUL    st,st(0)                /* x^2                          */
asm     FLD     DOUBLE (y)              /* y                            */
asm     FLD     st(0)                   /* 0=y,1=y,2=x^2,3=x            */
asm     FMUL    st,st(0)                /* y^2                          */
asm     FADDP   st(2),st                /* x^2 + y^2                    */
asm     FXCH                            /* Switch ST and ST(1)          */
asm     FSQRT                           /* sqrt (               )       */

asm     LES_    bx,r
asm     FSTP    DOUBLE (ES_ [bx])       /* *r = (x^2 + y^2)^.5          */

asm     LES_    bx,theta
asm     FSTP    DOUBLE (ES_ [bx])       /* *theta = matan2(y/x)         */
asm     FWAIT                           /* Will bomb out w/o this       */

asm     pop     ES



Name            prc - Convert from Polar to Rectangular Coordinates

Usage           void rpc(double r, double theta, double *x, double *y);

Prototype in    math.h

Description     Given the magnitude r, and the angle from the positive x-axis,
                convert to x and y coordinates.


                The angle is in the range of -180 < theta <= 180.

Return value    The function fills the variables pointed by "r" and "theta".
                The function provides no error or overflow checking.
void prc (double r, double theta, double *x, double *y)

asm     push    ES

asm     FLD     DOUBLE (r)
asm     FLD     DOUBLE (theta)
asm     FLD     st(0)
asm     _FAST_  (_FCOS_)                /* cos(theta)           */
asm     FMUL    st,st(2)                /* cos(theta)*r         */
asm     LES_    bx,x
asm     FSTP    DOUBLE (ES_ [bx])       /* x                    */
asm     _FAST_  (_FSIN_)
asm     FMULP                           /* y = r*sin(theta)     */
asm     LES_    bx,y
asm     FSTP    DOUBLE (ES_ [bx])       /* y                    */
asm     FWAIT

/* Needs quadrant check for y=sqrt(r^2-x^2) */
asm     FLD     DOUBLE (r)
asm     FLD     st(0)                   /* r for later          */
asm     FMUL    st,st(0)                /* r^2                  */
asm     FLD     DOUBLE (theta)
asm     _FAST_  (_FCOS_)                /* cos(theta)           */
asm     FMULP   st(2),st                /* x=r*cos(theta)       */
asm     FXCH
asm     FMUL    st,st(0)                /* x^2                  */
asm     FSUBP                           /* r^2 - x^2            */
asm     FSQRT                           /* y                    */
asm     LES_    bx,y
asm     FSTP    DOUBLE (ES_ [bx])       /* y                    */
asm     FWAIT                           /* Must have            */

asm     pop     ES
