Finding Files

Find file modified 5 or fewer days ago

    find . -mtime -5 -iname '*.pdf'

File Manipulation and Information

# Change mode of all files and directories (see also chmod_tree)

	find . -type d -print -exec chmod 755 {} \;
	find . -type f -print -exec chmod 664 {} \;

# 	Move selected files to single folder:
		mkdir dmv
		find . -iname '*dmv*' > dmv.find
		vi dmv.find
		cat dmv.find | xargs -I '{}' mv -iv '{}' dmv

# Create a tar with symlinks and referenced files used by KWord
	ldd /usr/bin/kword > kword.deps
	cat kword.deps | xargs tar cvf kword.deps.tar	# symlink
	cat kword.deps | xargs tar rhvf kword.deps.tar	# files ref'd by simlink.
	tar rvf /usr/bin/kword

# find examples
# Find .c files in .zip files (post clean up is needed)
	find floppy/out  -iname '*.zip' -print -exec zipinfo '{}' '*.c' \; 1> c.lst 2> /dev/null

# Find  .c files in .tgz files
		find . -iname '*.tgz'  | xargs  -tI {} tar ztf {} | grep '\.c$'

File Content and Text Manipulation and Information

# xargs examples:
#	Display all lines in found .c files that have the "continue" statement:
		find . -iname '*.c' | xargs grep continue

#	This does the same thing as the last example except it feeds grep the 
#	file names one at a time instead of all of them at one time.  Some programs
#	only support one file at time and some may need the file name argument
#	somewhere besides at the end.  The "-I pattern" argument defines what
#	pattern to look for after the command name.

		find . -iname '*.html' | xargs -I {} grep -H  file {}

# Find a string ("zero" in the example) in all files of a certain type:
 file * | grep Bourne | sed 's/:.*//' | xargs grep -i zero
# Print 25% of the lines in ~edwards/sl/io/pesc.c
l="expr `wc -l pesc.c | tr -cd [:digit:]` / 4" ; head -n `$l` pesc.c

BASH Programming


# Disk Activity
	lsof - List Open Files
	nmon - Monitor disk usage and everything else
	iotop - Like top with disk io - Needs Python 2 and kernel certain kernel attributes

# Get a stalled print queue going again:
	lpc restart {printer-name}

# Install with:
	rpm -Uv --replacepkgs --replacefiles *

# Nice bash shell prompt:
	PS1='\h:\w\$ '


# Bootstrap a network interface:
	ifconfig eth0 netmask
